Customer Portal in Different Languages
You don't have to do anything to support multiple languages for your customer portal in Boathouse. The language the customer's browser will determine which of our supported languages is shown, but they can select a different one using a simple dropdown. The customer portal will remember this setting for this browser.
Email Support
When Boathouse sends email on your behalf the locale set in the Paddle account will be used to send a localized version of your email template. If the localized version is not found, the email will default to the English template.
To determine if a localized template exists the template alias will be prefix by the locale code.
Example: for the template "boathouse-renewal-reminder" and a customer locale set to "de", Boathouse will first search in Postmark for a template alias called "de_boathouse-renewal-reminder". It will receive the same template variables as the default template.
On your emails page you can add the default Boathouse templates (or add any missing translations of Boathouse templates) to your Postmark account. You can also use the template manager to delete translated versions and re-created them from scratch if you need to.
Supported Languages
Currently Boathouse supports 20 languages:
- English (default)
- Afrikaans
- Czech
- Danish
- German
- Spanish (Spain)
- Spanish (Latin America and Caribbean)
- Finnish
- French
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Georgian
- Dutch
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese (Portugal)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Romanian
- Swedish
- Turkish