
Allowing customers to specify a billing email

Often times the account owner is not the billing department, so the email address linked to a customer's account may not be the place where invoices should end up. But changing the email address of the main account to a billing specific email addresses causes important payment notifications to be sent there too and therefore often being overlooked.

A better solution is to provide a billing email address that receives only copy of the invoices for your account, but ensuring important billing notifications still land in your customer's inbox so they can take action.

The Boathouse customer portal for lets offer your customers the opportunity to specify a billing email address that will receive a copy of all invoices generated for that customer. Just activate the option in your portal configuration with a single click.

Pro Feature

If you want to let customers specify a billing email address you have to upgrade to our pro plan.

Allow customer to specify a dedicated billing email address

On the Emails page (after you've connected Postmark) you activate the billing email feature.

Customer can add a billing email address in the customer portal

The customer portal will then show an option to add a billing email address in the invoices section.

*GDPR note: The email address is stored directly in Paddle (in the custom data for the associated customer object). Boathouse does not store the email address but fetches it directly from Paddle when it's time to send the email.*

Billing email format

If you're using our default email templates the email will look something like this:

Only the default values given to all email templates are sent to this template. But the invoice will be attached as a file.

Default Template

The default Boathouse template uses this HTML.

<h1>Invoice Copy</h1>
  Please find a copy of your invoice for your {{ ProductName }} subscription
  attached to this email.

<p>Thank you for your continued support!</p>

<p>Thanks,<br />The {{ ProductName }} team</p>

and this text body.

Invoice Copy

Please find a copy of your invoice for your {{ ProductName }} subscription attached to this email.

Thank you for your continued support!

The {{ ProductName }} team
Renewal Reminders