
Setting up Paddle Billing for a Saas Subscriptions

Youtube video

This guide will explain some basic Paddle terms and how to setup Paddle Billing for SaaS subscriptions.

This is also available as a video tutorial on Youtube.

Paddle is a payment provider that will let you sell your digital products and SaaS subscriptions online with a credit card for example. Once a month you get the payout of the software you sold.

Paddle Billing is the newest version of the Paddle platform. If you have an older account (called Paddle Classic) you will have to upgrade to Paddle Billing in order to use Boathouse.

For testing purposes Paddle offers a free sandbox account that you can create in just a couple of minutes. It's a great way to get started, add the billing features to your web app and then apply for a production account.

A production account that let's you actually collect payments will take a few days to apply for, so if you already have a website online (something the validation team at Paddle can look at) then it's best to apply for a production account early.

In the Paddle Catalog you can create products. They represent the SaaS. Each product can have a number of prices that represent the individual plans. You would create a price for every type of plan (e.g. pro, premium, enterprise) and each billing variant (e.g. monthly, annual). So if you have two plans Pro and Premium each with a monthly and annual option, you would create four plans.

Migrating from sandbox to production requires recreating the subscriptions plans from your sandbox account in the production account. Then just switch the Paddle API tokens in Boathouse and the Paddle Client Tokens in your web app, and you're ready to go.

Continue with Setting up Boathouse

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