
Boathouse No Code Customer Portal

The Customer Portal can also be accessed directly by your customers without using our API. They can authenticate with their email address and get access to all the same features. This is ideal for no-code use cases.

For example if you're selling courses on Webflow with Paddle then you can just link to your customer portal and provide a professional self service billing experience without a line of code.

Portal Login with custom domain

You can send your customers directly to your custom domain and they will be presented with a form to enter their email address or if you have the customer's email address you can append it to the URL and it will be pre-filled:[email protected]

They will then receive a login link sent to their email address to get access to their customer portal. The portal has the same features as if you had created the portal link via our API.

Portal Login without a custom domain

If you are not using a custom domain you can link to the portal using the following link and replace YOURPORTALID with the portal id from your boathouse configuration.[email protected]
Getting started