Apply for a Paddle Seller Account

Now the real adventure begins. Head over to Paddle Sign-up. First you let them know what product you want to sell.

Screenshot of Paddle Sign-up - Choosing type of business
Paddle Sign-up - Choosing type of business

Then add your business information and explain how you want to use Paddle. The text field has a 500 characters limit, but we recommend being as detailed as possible if you usecase is anything but standard (i.e. a SaaS).

Screenshot of Paddle Sign-up - Business information
Paddle Sign-up - Business information

The wbe site will redirect you to this domain verification wizard. The domain you entered will already be in the verification process (if not, simply click the button).

Screenshot of Paddle Sign-up - Domain verification
Paddle Sign-up - Domain verification

You will receive an email welcoming you and an email verification within a few minutes. If you don't, check your Spam folder.

Screenshot of Paddle Sign-up - Email to confirm your account
Paddle Sign-up - Email to confirm your account

A short while later you will get an email with a Paddle verification code that you will need in the next step.

Next, Paddle verification