Prepare your Website

The verification process for Paddle involves sending them your Website which will be validated by a human. They will be looking for obvious links from the start page to these pages:

  • Product offering
  • Contact page with email and phone number
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • Refund Policy (this can be part of your T&C)

Product offering

Add a product(s) page (for one time product sales) or a pricing page (for subscribers) that details what exactly is offered and at what price. Do not be vague.

It's especially important during verification that you explain what the offer is in as much details as possible and not use vague marketing terms.

Explain what features you already have in a short bulleted list form. You can always expand and improve the design/wording once you've been verified.

Contact page

This is often overlooked outside of the EU where it is mandatory to provide this information. But in order to sell through Paddle you must provide your buyer's with a support email and phone number.

We recommend adding your business address, company registry number and VAT number if applicable.

Creating the legal documents can be a challenge in itself. We suggest using a paid service like where you answer questions in their wizard and a lot is done for you automatically. But if you have the time (and patience) to DIY then have a look at the open source legal documents from Automattic (Makers of Wordpress).

Paddle Seller Handbook

These recommendations are based on our experience selling multiple products over years with Paddle, but as always check the official Paddle seller handbook to ensure you comply with the most up-to-date rules.

Next, apply as a vendor